Saturday, March 31, 2012

Are You a Poet and You Know It? April is National Poetry Month and Why I Love This Artform!

Poetry speaks to all of us in such a personal way. The lilting words can lift our spirits, remind us of past and current troubles, reinvigorate our constitutions, and make us challenge our beliefs. Poetry has always had a large impact on my life. I feel it allows a person to collect their thoughts and arrange them in an artistic manner of expression. Please take a moment to read the poem I have written to describe the impact poetry has on an individuals way of thinking.

Lyrical language set to verse
whispers the voice of the spirit unheard
cascading thoughts, forgotten dreams
sonnet of the soul penned by one hand
to elicit emotion in the hearts of all.

There are many forms of poetry to release these musings such as shape poetry (written within a shape such as a football or words arranged to look like the shape), bio poems (poems about you which contain your fears and traits), and Japanese haiku. These examples beautifully represent the essence of language set to verse and can also be found in full length volumes called novels in verse. One of my favorite book-length narrative poem novels is Three Rivers Rising by Jame Richardson surrounding the events leading up to the The Johnstown Flood in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The story is resplendent in its use of realism and historic events to tell the story of love between two social classes in a by-gone era. The use of many character's stories developed a strong emotional tie to the reader for the hope of the character's well-being. I found myself unconsciously rooting for the safety of the characters and feeling their pain and loss of devastation at the hands of the watery monster (eventual flood that destroyed the town). Below I have gathered some very valuable web resources which will allow readers to explore poetry through hands-on activities and information.

Discover Many Forms of Poetry and See Examples
Kindergarten Art Projects on the Subject of Poetry (Make sure to click on the links titled "Poetry Pebbles" and "Poetry Cards" to view these examples)

Tippy-Toe Chick, Go! by George Shannon

Tiny, but mighty is the perfect description for this yellow, fluffy chick with chutzpah to spare!

Tippy-Toe Chick and his family are on a mission for some tasty delicacies, but are sidetracked by a large, growling canine with quite an attitude. 

Each one of the plucky poultry is determined to be rid of this menacing fellow, but are unable to scare him into submission. 

Tippy-Toe Chick snaps into action as his family cowers in fear in this delightful tale which shows that even the littlest sprites can be up for a challenge. 

Will Tippy-Toe Chick save the day? Read on to find out!

Children will be inspired to be the best they can be and defy the odds in this self-esteem boosting book which teaches determination and self-confidence in one's self and their abilities. 

Laura Dronzek's illustrations add a sweet simplicity to the story with their use of bold, acrylic paints and heavy brushstrokes. 

This story would be best read to preschoolers to kindergartners who are learning about baby/farm animals, character traits such as self-esteem, and family love. 

A story worth "peeping" about to all your friends.